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Framing Challenges, Testing Assumptions, and Integrating Strategies


Published January 31, 2024

Gen. H.R. McMaster leads a question-and-answer session with boot camp attendees and provides in-depth analysis on the necessity to avoid paralysis by analysis and how to make timely decisions, even if that decision is to take no action.  When discussing China, McMaster outlines competitive strategies across multiple domains like economics, technology, and military deterrence, arguing more investment is urgently needed to catch up.  To sufficiently address issues like these, McMaster recounts his experience and the deliberative process used to appropriately frame challenges, test any and all assumptions surrounding the challenges, and develop strategies to competently address them.

Additional Resources:

  • Watch “Embracing Strategic Empathy" with Gen. H.R. McMaster.  Available here.
  • Watch "How to Overcome Strategic Narcissism" with Gen. H.R. McMaster.  Available here.