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Nuclear Power: The Clean Energy Everyone Overlooks

What is nuclear power?

Nuclear power is a method of generating zero carbon energy. It uses heat from a nuclear core to make steam in order to turn turbines and produce electricity.

What is intermittent energy?

An intermittent energy sources is a power generation type that cannot ensure consistent and reliable electricity to match electricity demand. The intermittency of these power sources can either be entirely predictable, such as tidal energy, or unpredictable, such as wind power. To deal with intermittency, electricity grid controllers must have base-load power sources available to fill in gaps when intermittent sources are not providing sufficient power to meet demand. Storing power for future use can also help; however, current storage technology has significant inefficiency challenges.

What is base-load power?

Base load power is the minimum amount of constantly required electricity over a certain period to meet electricity demand. Base load power sources are those electricity generation providers that can consistently and reliably ensure base load power is met.

What is low-carbon power?

Low-carbon power is part of sustainable energy and comes from technologies that produce electricity with a significantly lower amount of carbon dioxide emissions. Low carbon sources include wind, solar, hydroelectric, and nuclear power.

Why is nuclear energy advantageous?

Nuclear power plants are less expensive. Since it can run uninterrupted and is not contingent of weather or foreign suppliers, it is also more reliable and stable than other forms of energy. In fact, domestically, we know that nuclear power gives us reliable electricity supply at scale, supplying one-fifth of all of our power production. In addition, nearly two- thirds of our country’s carbon-dioxide-free energy comes from these facilities.As such, since nuclear power is associated with low pollution, the environmental effects of nuclear power are relatively light compared to coal and gas plants.

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