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The History and Evolution of Cyber Strategy


Published April 4, 2023

The historic evolution of the internet and cyberspace began with the “golden digital age,” which was characterized by immense hope for the democratization capabilities of the internet. This was followed by the sobering phase of cyber reality, where digital tools began to be used maliciously, causing disenfranchisement and concern for security. 

Discussion Questions:

  1. How can the trust between the public and private sectors be rebuilt, and what steps should be taken to prevent future breaches of this trust in the cyber realm?
  2. What other strategies can be employed to reduce the likelihood of cyber-attacks, and how can organizations work together to prevent cyber-attacks from occurring?

Additional Resources:

  • Read “The Biden White House’s Cyberwarfare Power Grab,” by Jacquelyn Schneider via the Wall Street Journal. Available here.
  • Watch “How Dangerous Are Cyberattacks?” with Jacquelyn Schneider on PolicyEd. Available here.
  • Watch “Why Cyber Is Different,” on PolicyEd. Available here.