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The Digital Fog of Cyberwarfare: Navigating America’s Future Challenges


Published July 11, 2024

Hoover Fellow, Jacquelyn Schneider’s Q&A session with students delves into the complexities of addressing disinformation, emphasizing the challenges faced by the federal government in determining its role without infringing upon First Amendment rights. Further discussion highlights the benefits of learning from the different approaches taken by the Obama, Trump, and Biden administrations in terms of centralization and delegation of authority in cybersecurity matters. Ongoing debates on the nature of cyber operations, international norms, and the appropriate degrees to which the military integrates cyber capabilities into their organizations, all round out the discussion.

  • Read "Why the Military Can't Trust AI" (Foreign Affairs) from Jacquelyn Schneider here.
  • Watch "Shall We Play a Game? The Promise (and Pitfalls) of Wargames for Policy" from Jacquelyn Schneider here.
  • Watch "Can AI Predict Chinese President Xi's Military Plans?" with Jacquelyn Schneider here.

The opinions expressed in this video are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hoover Institution or Stanford University. © 2024 by the Board of Trustees of Leland Stanford Junior University.