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The Human Prosperity Project Discussion

Why Political Freedom and Prosperity Go Hand in Hand

How is a democracy better equipped than a socialist society to handle violations of civil, political, and property rights?


The people can petition the government to address the grievances caused by such government action, protest such government action and replace the political class that caused the government action.

I agree that free markets are better than socialist controlled economies. However, I am concerned that endocrination of this conclusion may be the objective of this course. The American society has already benefited by acceptance of socialist ideas such as public education, labor unions, and Medicare. If the Hoover Institute is going to be something better than a recruiter for the juvenile food fights among political parties, it needs to promote an appreciation for the basic values of both free markets and socialism, and how to achieve beneficial compromises between them.

Apparently, in a democracy there will be check and balance of power centers, so civic rights and liberties are more likely to be protected. In a disctatorship, there is no court of appeal saving the dictator himself or pryaer to God.
