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The Politics of School Vouchers


Published March 28, 2023

School programs are designed in the political process. That means that the discussion around the voucher system has nothing to do with the merits of voucher programs or the education of children. Instead, the discussion is centered on the incentives of special interest groups such as teachers unions and school boards.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the pros and cons of vouchers being regulated or unregulated by the state? 
  2. Whose role is it to provide education: local, state, or federal government?

Additional Resources:

  • Watch “The Politics of Institutional Reform,” with Terry Moe on PolicyEd. Available here.
  • Watch “Teachers Unions vs. Students,” with Terry Moe on PragerU. Available here.
  • Read “Vouchers Help African American Students Go to College,” by Paul Peterson via Education Next. Available here.